Online library of legal documents
2 000
+200 000
since 1992
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88 documents
Agenda de clôture - Vente d'actions Agenda de clôture - Vente d'actions
Y04400 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Closing Agenda - Share Purchase Closing Agenda - Share Purchase
Y04400a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Certificat de clôture - Vente d'actions Certificat de clôture - Vente d'actions
Y04600 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$95.99
Closing Certificate - Share Purchase Closing Certificate - Share Purchase
Y04600a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$95.99
Certificat de clôture - Vente... Certificat de clôture - Vente d'entreprise
Y02600 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$89.99
Closing Certificate - Sale of Business Closing Certificate - Sale of Business
Y02600a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$89.99
Confidentiality Agreement Confidentiality Agreement
Y01400a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de confidentialité Contrat de confidentialité
Y01400 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de confidentialité
Y01401 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente... Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente d'actions
Y05300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Benchmarking Grid - Escrow Agreement -... Benchmarking Grid - Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase
Y05301a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase
Y05300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de dépôt et... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente d'actions
Y05301 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Contrat de gage d'actions Contrat de gage d'actions
Y05200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Pledge... Benchmarking Grid - Share Pledge Agreement
Y05201a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de gage... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de gage d'actions
Y05201 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Share Pledge Agreement Share Pledge Agreement
Y05200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de vente d'actifs - Biens... Contrat de vente d'actifs - Biens meubles
Y02800 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$179.99
Contrat de vente d'actifs d'achalandage Contrat de vente d'actifs d'achalandage
Y02700 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$101.99
Goodwill Purchase Agreement Goodwill Purchase Agreement
Y02700a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$101.99
Contrat de vente d'actions Contrat de vente d'actions
Y04500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$269.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase Agreement (Long Form)
Y04501a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase Agreement (Short Form)
Y04551a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$23.99
Contrat de vente d'actions Contrat de vente d'actions
Y04550 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$209.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions (Version détaillée)
Y04501 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions (Version simplifiée)
Y04551 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$23.99
Share Purchase Agreement Share Purchase Agreement
Y04550a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$209.99
Share Purchase Agreement Share Purchase Agreement
Y04500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$269.99
Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime... Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime «Earn-Out»
Y04570 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$269.99
Benchmarking Grid – Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid – Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out Formula
Y04571a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime «Earn-Out»
Y04571 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out... Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out Formula
Y04570a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$269.99
Contrat de vente d'actions - Vente... Contrat de vente d'actions - Vente interne
Y04560 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Share Purchase Agreement - Internal Sale Share Purchase Agreement - Internal Sale
Y04560a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Contrat de vente d'entreprise Contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$239.99
Asset Purchase Agreement Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$239.99
Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02501a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Checklist - Drafting an Asset Purchase... Checklist - Drafting an Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02100a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02501 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Liste de contrôle - La rédaction d'un... Liste de contrôle - La rédaction d'un contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02100 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de vente et roulement d'actions Contrat de vente et roulement d'actions
Y04700 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Share Purchase and Rollover Agreement Share Purchase and Rollover Agreement
Y04700a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de vente et roulement... Contrat de vente et roulement d'entreprise
Y02550 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$155.99
Asset Purchase and Rollover Agreement Asset Purchase and Rollover Agreement
Y02550a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$155.99
Demande de documents - Achat d'actions Demande de documents - Achat d'actions
Y04300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$35.99
Request for Documents - Share Purchase Request for Documents - Share Purchase
Y04300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$35.99
Lettre - Demande de documents Lettre - Demande de documents
Y02300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Document Request Letter Document Request Letter
Y02300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Lettre d'attestations du conseiller... Lettre d'attestations du conseiller juridique du vendeur
Y05500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Letter Confirming Representations -... Letter Confirming Representations - Vendor's Lawyer
Y05500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'engagement et de... Lettre d'engagement et de confidentialité - Avec définitions
Y01350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Confidentiality Undertaking - With... Confidentiality Undertaking - With Definitions (Letter)
Y01350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'engagement et de... Lettre d'engagement et de confidentialité - Sans définitions
Y01300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Confidentiality Undertaking - Without... Confidentiality Undertaking - Without Definitions (Letter)
Y01300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'actions
Y04200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares
Y04200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares... Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares (Binding Offer)
Y04205a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'actions (Avec engagement)
Y04205 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'entreprise
Y02200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets
Y02200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Letter of Interest Letter of Interest
Y01250a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$17.99
Letter of Interest Letter of Interest
Y01200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$17.99
Notes - Achat d'entreprise - Formule... Notes - Achat d'entreprise - Formule «Earn-Out»
Y04055 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Asset Purchase - «Earn-Out»... Notes - Asset Purchase - «Earn-Out» Formula
Y04055a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Vente et roulement d'actions Notes - Vente et roulement d'actions
Y04070 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Share Purchase and Rollover Notes - Share Purchase and Rollover
Y04070a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Offre d'achat d'actions Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04270 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$239.99
Benchmarking Grid - Offer to Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04271a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat... Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04271 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Offer to Purchase Shares Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04250a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$119.99
Offer to Purchase Shares Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04270a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$239.99
Offre d'achat d'actions Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04250 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$119.99
Offre d'achat d'entreprise Offre d'achat d'entreprise
Y02250 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$209.99
Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Offer Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Offer
Y02251a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat... Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat d'entreprise
Y02251 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Quittance réciproque (Vente d'actifs) Quittance réciproque (Vente d'actifs)
Y05800 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Mutual Release and Discharge (Asset... Mutual Release and Discharge (Asset Purchase)
Y05800a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Quittance unilatérale (Vente d'actifs) Quittance unilatérale (Vente d'actifs)
Y05850 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Unilateral Release and Discharge (Asset... Unilateral Release and Discharge (Asset Purchase)
Y05850a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Rapport de vérification diligente -... Rapport de vérification diligente - Actifs
Y02350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Due Diligence Review Report - Assets Due Diligence Review Report - Assets
Y02350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Rapport de vérification diligente -... Rapport de vérification diligente - Actions
Y04350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Due Diligence Review Report - Shares Due Diligence Review Report - Shares
Y04350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
88 documents
Agenda de clôture - Vente d'actions Agenda de clôture - Vente d'actions
Y04400 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Asset Purchase Agreement Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$239.99
Asset Purchase and Rollover Agreement Asset Purchase and Rollover Agreement
Y02550a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$155.99
Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02501a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Offer Benchmarking Grid - Asset Purchase Offer
Y02251a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Escrow Agreement -... Benchmarking Grid - Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase
Y05301a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Offer to Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04271a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Pledge... Benchmarking Grid - Share Pledge Agreement
Y05201a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Benchmarking Grid – Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid – Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out Formula
Y04571a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase Agreement (Long Form)
Y04501a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase... Benchmarking Grid - Share Purchase Agreement (Short Form)
Y04551a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$23.99
Certificat de clôture - Vente d'actions Certificat de clôture - Vente d'actions
Y04600 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$95.99
Certificat de clôture - Vente... Certificat de clôture - Vente d'entreprise
Y02600 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$89.99
Checklist - Drafting an Asset Purchase... Checklist - Drafting an Asset Purchase Agreement
Y02100a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Closing Agenda - Share Purchase Closing Agenda - Share Purchase
Y04400a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Closing Certificate - Sale of Business Closing Certificate - Sale of Business
Y02600a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$89.99
Closing Certificate - Share Purchase Closing Certificate - Share Purchase
Y04600a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$95.99
Confidentiality Agreement Confidentiality Agreement
Y01400a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Confidentiality Undertaking - With... Confidentiality Undertaking - With Definitions (Letter)
Y01350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Confidentiality Undertaking - Without... Confidentiality Undertaking - Without Definitions (Letter)
Y01300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Contrat de confidentialité Contrat de confidentialité
Y01400 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente... Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente d'actions
Y05300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de gage d'actions Contrat de gage d'actions
Y05200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de vente d'actifs - Biens... Contrat de vente d'actifs - Biens meubles
Y02800 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$179.99
Contrat de vente d'actifs d'achalandage Contrat de vente d'actifs d'achalandage
Y02700 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$101.99
Contrat de vente d'actions Contrat de vente d'actions
Y04500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$269.99
Contrat de vente d'actions Contrat de vente d'actions
Y04550 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$209.99
Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime... Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime «Earn-Out»
Y04570 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$269.99
Contrat de vente d'actions - Vente... Contrat de vente d'actions - Vente interne
Y04560 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Contrat de vente d'entreprise Contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$239.99
Contrat de vente et roulement d'actions Contrat de vente et roulement d'actions
Y04700 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Contrat de vente et roulement... Contrat de vente et roulement d'entreprise
Y02550 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$155.99
Demande de documents - Achat d'actions Demande de documents - Achat d'actions
Y04300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$35.99
Document Request Letter Document Request Letter
Y02300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Due Diligence Review Report - Assets Due Diligence Review Report - Assets
Y02350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Due Diligence Review Report - Shares Due Diligence Review Report - Shares
Y04350a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase Escrow Agreement - Share Purchase
Y05300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Goodwill Purchase Agreement Goodwill Purchase Agreement
Y02700a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$101.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de confidentialité
Y01401 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de dépôt et... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de dépôt et de mandat - Vente d'actions
Y05301 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de gage... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de gage d'actions
Y05201 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions - Régime «Earn-Out»
Y04571 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions (Version détaillée)
Y04501 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'actions (Version simplifiée)
Y04551 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente... Grille d'analyse - Contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02501 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat... Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04271 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$23.99
Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat... Grille d'analyse - Offre d'achat d'entreprise
Y02251 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Letter Confirming Representations -... Letter Confirming Representations - Vendor's Lawyer
Y05500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares
Y04200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares... Letter of Intent to Acquire Shares (Binding Offer)
Y04205a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets
Y02200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Letter of Interest Letter of Interest
Y01200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$17.99
Letter of Interest Letter of Interest
Y01250a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$17.99
Lettre - Demande de documents Lettre - Demande de documents
Y02300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Lettre d'attestations du conseiller... Lettre d'attestations du conseiller juridique du vendeur
Y05500 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'engagement et de... Lettre d'engagement et de confidentialité - Avec définitions
Y01350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'engagement et de... Lettre d'engagement et de confidentialité - Sans définitions
Y01300 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'actions
Y04200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'actions (Avec engagement)
Y04205 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Lettre d'intention - Acquisition... Lettre d'intention - Acquisition d'entreprise
Y02200 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Liste de contrôle - La rédaction d'un... Liste de contrôle - La rédaction d'un contrat de vente d'entreprise
Y02100 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Mutual Release and Discharge (Asset... Mutual Release and Discharge (Asset Purchase)
Y05800a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Notes - Achat d'entreprise - Formule... Notes - Achat d'entreprise - Formule «Earn-Out»
Y04055 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Asset Purchase - «Earn-Out»... Notes - Asset Purchase - «Earn-Out» Formula
Y04055a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Share Purchase and Rollover Notes - Share Purchase and Rollover
Y04070a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Notes - Vente et roulement d'actions Notes - Vente et roulement d'actions
Y04070 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$17.99
Offer to Purchase Shares Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04250a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$119.99
Offer to Purchase Shares Offer to Purchase Shares
Y04270a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$239.99
Offre d'achat d'actions Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04270 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Long form$239.99
Offre d'achat d'actions Offre d'achat d'actions
Y04250 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated Short form$119.99
Offre d'achat d'entreprise Offre d'achat d'entreprise
Y02250 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$209.99
Quittance réciproque (Vente d'actifs) Quittance réciproque (Vente d'actifs)
Y05800 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Quittance unilatérale (Vente d'actifs) Quittance unilatérale (Vente d'actifs)
Y05850 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$29.99
Rapport de vérification diligente -... Rapport de vérification diligente - Actifs
Y02350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Rapport de vérification diligente -... Rapport de vérification diligente - Actions
Y04350 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Request for Documents - Share Purchase Request for Documents - Share Purchase
Y04300a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$35.99
Share Pledge Agreement Share Pledge Agreement
Y05200a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Share Purchase Agreement Share Purchase Agreement
Y04500a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Long form$269.99
Share Purchase Agreement Share Purchase Agreement
Y04550a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated Short form$209.99
Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out... Share Purchase Agreement - Earn-Out Formula
Y04570a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$269.99
Share Purchase Agreement - Internal Sale Share Purchase Agreement - Internal Sale
Y04560a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$23.99
Share Purchase and Rollover Agreement Share Purchase and Rollover Agreement
Y04700a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$119.99
Unilateral Release and Discharge (Asset... Unilateral Release and Discharge (Asset Purchase)
Y05850a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$29.99
This chapter echoes the “life cycle” of a contract. It includes generic templates that can detail, if needs be, all of the necessary steps during the existence of a contract, from its beginning (confidentiality agreement) to its end (discharge).