Online library of legal documents
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+200 000
since 1992
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78 documents
Avis de détention d'actions Avis de détention d'actions
OR0830Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Notice of Shareholding Notice of Shareholding
OR0830aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Recto Certificat d'actions - Recto
OR0810Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Recto Certificat d'actions - Recto
OR0810F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Front Share Certificate - Front
OR0810aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Front Share Certificate - Front
OR0810aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Verso Certificat d'actions - Verso
OR0820Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Verso Certificat d'actions - Verso
OR0820F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Back Share Certificate - Back
OR0820aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Back Share Certificate - Back
OR0820aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense de l’émetteur fermé (art. 2.4(2) Règlement 45-106...
OR1410 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Security Holder - Private... Declaration of Security Holder - Private Issuer Exemption (Sec. 2.4(2) Regulation 45-106 QSA)
OR1410a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense de l’investisseur qualifié (art. 2.3 Règlement 45-106...
OR1420 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Security Holder -... Declaration of Security Holder - Accredited Investor Exemption (Sec. 2.3 Regulation 45-106 QSA)
OR1420a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense des parents, amis et partenaires (art. 2.5 Règlement...
OR1430 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Security Holder - Family,... Declaration of Security Holder - Family, Friends and Business Associates Exemption (Sec. 2.5...
OR1430a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention... Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention d'actions)
OR0410Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention... Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention d'actions)
OR0410F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Declaration of Trust (Nominee... Declaration of Trust (Nominee Shareholder)
OR0410aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Declaration of Trust (Nominee... Declaration of Trust (Nominee Shareholder)
OR0410aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la... Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la société
OR1210Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Checklist - Organization of Corporation Checklist - Organization of Corporation
OR1210aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Checklist - Organization of Corporation Checklist - Organization of Corporation
OR1210aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la... Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la société
OR1210F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Notes - Corporate Summary Notes - Corporate Summary
OR1310aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Notes - Corporate Summary Notes - Corporate Summary
OR1310aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Rapport au client sur la constitution de... Rapport au client sur la constitution de la société
OR1110Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Rapport au client sur la constitution de... Rapport au client sur la constitution de la société
OR1110F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Report to Client - Details of... Report to Client - Details of Incorporation
OR1110aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Report to Client - Details of... Report to Client - Details of Incorporation
OR1110aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Registre des administrateurs Registre des administrateurs
OR0710 -
Quebec French All Unannotated$19.99
Registre des particuliers ayant un... Registre des particuliers ayant un contrôle important
OR0760f -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Register of individuals with significant... Register of individuals with significant control
OR0760aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Registre des valeurs mobilières Registre des valeurs mobilières
OR0750Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Registre des valeurs mobilières Registre des valeurs mobilières
OR0750F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement bancaire (No. 3) Règlement bancaire (No. 3)
OR0230Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Banking By-law (No. 3) Banking By-law (No. 3)
OR0230aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Règlement bancaire (No. 3) Règlement bancaire (No. 3)
OR0230F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2) Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2)
OR0220Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Borrowing By-law (No.2) Borrowing By-law (No.2)
OR0220aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Borrowing By-law (No.2) Borrowing By-law (No.2)
OR0220aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2) Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2)
OR0220F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement intérieur (No. 1) Règlement intérieur (No. 1)
OR0210Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$89.99
Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)
OR0211aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)
OR0211aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)
OR0210aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$89.99
General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)
OR0210aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$89.99
Grille d'analyse -Règlement... Grille d'analyse -Règlement administratif (No. 1)
OR0211F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Grille d'analyse -Règlement intérieur... Grille d'analyse -Règlement intérieur (No. 1)
OR0211Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Règlement administratif (No. 1) Règlement administratif (No. 1)
OR0210F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$89.99
Renseignements et directives -... Renseignements et directives - Constitution et organisation
OR0120Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$24.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Incorporation and Organization
OR0120aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$24.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Incorporation and Organization
OR0120aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$24.99
Renseignements et directives -... Renseignements et directives - Constitution et organisation
OR0120F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$24.99
Renseignements et directives - Demande... Renseignements et directives - Demande d'inscription - Retenues à la source
OR1010F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$14.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Registration Application - Source Deductions
OR1010aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$14.99
Renseignements requis sur les... Renseignements requis sur les bénéficiaires ultimes
OR0770Q -
Quebec French Unannotated$19.99
Required Information on Ultimate... Required Information on Ultimate Beneficiaries
OR0770aQ -
Quebec English Unannotated$19.99
Résolutions d'organisation Résolutions d'organisation
OR0310Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$34.99
Organizational Resolutions Organizational Resolutions
OR0310aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$34.99
Organizational Resolutions Organizational Resolutions
OR0310aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$34.99
Résolutions d'organisation Résolutions d'organisation
OR0310F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$34.99
78 documents
Avis de détention d'actions Avis de détention d'actions
OR0830Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Banking By-law (No. 3) Banking By-law (No. 3)
OR0230aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)
OR0211aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)
OR0211aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Borrowing By-law (No.2) Borrowing By-law (No.2)
OR0220aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Borrowing By-law (No.2) Borrowing By-law (No.2)
OR0220aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Certificat d'actions - Recto Certificat d'actions - Recto
OR0810Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Recto Certificat d'actions - Recto
OR0810F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Verso Certificat d'actions - Verso
OR0820Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Certificat d'actions - Verso Certificat d'actions - Verso
OR0820F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Checklist - Organization of Corporation Checklist - Organization of Corporation
OR1210aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Checklist - Organization of Corporation Checklist - Organization of Corporation
OR1210aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense de l’émetteur fermé (art. 2.4(2) Règlement 45-106...
OR1410 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense de l’investisseur qualifié (art. 2.3 Règlement 45-106...
OR1420 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration d’un porteur de titres -... Déclaration d’un porteur de titres - Dispense des parents, amis et partenaires (art. 2.5 Règlement...
OR1430 -
Quebec French Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention... Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention d'actions)
OR0410Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention... Déclaration de prête-nom (Détention d'actions)
OR0410F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Declaration of Security Holder -... Declaration of Security Holder - Accredited Investor Exemption (Sec. 2.3 Regulation 45-106 QSA)
OR1420a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Security Holder - Family,... Declaration of Security Holder - Family, Friends and Business Associates Exemption (Sec. 2.5...
OR1430a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Security Holder - Private... Declaration of Security Holder - Private Issuer Exemption (Sec. 2.4(2) Regulation 45-106 QSA)
OR1410a -
Quebec English Civil law Unannotated$14.99
Declaration of Trust (Nominee... Declaration of Trust (Nominee Shareholder)
OR0410aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Declaration of Trust (Nominee... Declaration of Trust (Nominee Shareholder)
OR0410aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)
OR0210aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$89.99
General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)
OR0210aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$89.99
Grille d'analyse -Règlement... Grille d'analyse -Règlement administratif (No. 1)
OR0211F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Grille d'analyse -Règlement intérieur... Grille d'analyse -Règlement intérieur (No. 1)
OR0211Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Incorporation and Organization
OR0120aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$24.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Incorporation and Organization
OR0120aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$24.99
Information and Guidelines -... Information and Guidelines - Registration Application - Source Deductions
OR1010aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$14.99
Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la... Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la société
OR1210Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la... Liste de contrôle - Organisation de la société
OR1210F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$9.99
Notes - Corporate Summary Notes - Corporate Summary
OR1310aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Notes - Corporate Summary Notes - Corporate Summary
OR1310aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Notice of Shareholding Notice of Shareholding
OR0830aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Organizational Resolutions Organizational Resolutions
OR0310aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$34.99
Organizational Resolutions Organizational Resolutions
OR0310aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$34.99
Rapport au client sur la constitution de... Rapport au client sur la constitution de la société
OR1110Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Rapport au client sur la constitution de... Rapport au client sur la constitution de la société
OR1110F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Register of individuals with significant... Register of individuals with significant control
OR0760aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Registre des administrateurs Registre des administrateurs
OR0710 -
Quebec French All Unannotated$19.99
Registre des particuliers ayant un... Registre des particuliers ayant un contrôle important
OR0760f -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Registre des valeurs mobilières Registre des valeurs mobilières
OR0750Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Registre des valeurs mobilières Registre des valeurs mobilières
OR0750F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement administratif (No. 1) Règlement administratif (No. 1)
OR0210F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$89.99
Règlement bancaire (No. 3) Règlement bancaire (No. 3)
OR0230Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Règlement bancaire (No. 3) Règlement bancaire (No. 3)
OR0230F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2) Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2)
OR0220Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2) Règlement d'emprunt (No. 2)
OR0220F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$19.99
Règlement intérieur (No. 1) Règlement intérieur (No. 1)
OR0210Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$89.99
Renseignements et directives -... Renseignements et directives - Constitution et organisation
OR0120Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$24.99
Renseignements et directives -... Renseignements et directives - Constitution et organisation
OR0120F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$24.99
Renseignements et directives - Demande... Renseignements et directives - Demande d'inscription - Retenues à la source
OR1010F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$14.99
Renseignements requis sur les... Renseignements requis sur les bénéficiaires ultimes
OR0770Q -
Quebec French Unannotated$19.99
Report to Client - Details of... Report to Client - Details of Incorporation
OR1110aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$19.99
Report to Client - Details of... Report to Client - Details of Incorporation
OR1110aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$19.99
Required Information on Ultimate... Required Information on Ultimate Beneficiaries
OR0770aQ -
Quebec English Unannotated$19.99
Résolutions d'organisation Résolutions d'organisation
OR0310Q -
Quebec French Provincial Unannotated$34.99
Résolutions d'organisation Résolutions d'organisation
OR0310F -
Quebec French Federal Unannotated$34.99
Share Certificate - Back Share Certificate - Back
OR0820aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Back Share Certificate - Back
OR0820aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Front Share Certificate - Front
OR0810aF -
Quebec English Federal Unannotated$9.99
Share Certificate - Front Share Certificate - Front
OR0810aQ -
Quebec English Provincial Unannotated$9.99