General By-laws (No. 1)

Quebec English Federal Unannotated

General By-laws (No. 1)

  1. Documents

  2. Règlement intérieur (No. 1) Règlement intérieur (No. 1)

    OR0210Q -
    Quebec French Provincial Unannotated



  3. Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)

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    Quebec English Provincial Unannotated



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    Quebec English Federal Unannotated



  5. General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)

    OR0210aF -
    Quebec English Federal Unannotated



  6. General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)

    OR0210aQ -
    Quebec English Provincial Unannotated



  7. Grille d'analyse -Règlement... Grille d'analyse -Règlement administratif (No. 1)

    OR0211F -
    Quebec French Federal Unannotated



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    OR0210F -
    Quebec French Federal Unannotated



General By-laws (No. 1)

General By-laws (No. 1)

General By-laws (No. 1)

1.01 Definitions
1.01.01 Act
1.01.02 Activities
1.01.03 Articles
1.01.04 Auditor
1.01.05 Board
1.01.06 Books
1.01.07 By-laws
1.01.08 Corporations Canada
1.01.09 Director(s)
1.01.10 Important Documents
1.01.11 Officer
1.01.12 Ordinary Resolution
1.01.13 Person
1.01.14 Registered Address
1.01.15 Shareholder
1.01.16 Shareholder Meeting
1.01.18 Simple Majority
1.01.19 Special Resolution
1.01.20 Unanimous Shareholder Agreement
1.02 General Provisions
1.02.01 Applicable Law
1.02.02 Time of the Essence
1.02.03 Computation of Time
1.02.04 Cross-References
1.02.05 Gender and Number
1.02.06 Headings
1.02.07 Order of Precedence
1.02.08 Discretion
2.01 Registered Office
2.01.01 Location
2.01.02 Change of Address to Different Province
2.02 Places of Business
2.03 Corporate Name
2.03.01 Important Documents
2.03.02 Choosing Corporate Name
2.03.03 Charter of the French Language
2.03.04 Other Name
2.03.05 Amendment
2.04 Corporate Seal
2.04.01 Adopting and Changing
2.04.02 Absence of Seal
2.04.03 Preservation and Use
2.05 Books
2.05.01 Inspection
2.05.02 Accounting Records
2.05.03 Access
2.05.04 Copies
2.06 Signature
2.07 Financial Year
3.01 Registered Holder
3.02 Place
3.03 Purpose of Annual Shareholder Meeting
3.04 Special Meeting
3.04.01 Purpose
3.04.02 Notice of Meeting
3.04.03 Request
3.05 Calling of Meetings
3.05.01 Regular Meeting
a) Shareholders
b) Notice
c) Proxy
d) Assignee
e) Presumption
f) Joint Holders
3.05.02 Urgent Meeting
3.05.03 Content of Notice
3.05.04 Waiver of Notice
a) No Prior Notice
b) Attendance
3.05.05 Irregularities
a) Proof
b) Form or Content
c) Information Omitted
d) Failure to Send Notice
3.06 Chair of Meeting
3.06.01 Appointment
3.06.02 Procedure
3.06.03 Resolution
3.06.04 Removal
3.07 Secretary
3.08 Quorum
3.08.01 Minimum Threshold
3.08.02 Sole Shareholder
3.08.03 Opening Quorum
3.09 Adjournment
3.09.01 Absence of Quorum
3.09.02 Notice of Meeting
a) Less than Thirty Days
b) More than Thirty Days
3.09.03 Resumption of Shareholder Meeting
3.09.04 Quorum Present
3.10 Voting
3.10.01 Right to Vote
3.10.02 Simple Majority
3.10.03 Deciding Vote
3.10.04 Show of Hands
3.10.05 Ballot
a) Principle
b) Procedure
3.10.06 Vote by Body Corporate
3.10.07 Joint Holding
3.10.08 By Electronic Means
3.11 Proxies
3.11.01 Appointing
3.11.02 Submitting
3.11.03 Signature
3.11.04 Form
3.11.05 Transmission
3.11.06 Scope
3.11.07 Duration
3.11.08 Several Proxies
3.11.09 Revocation
3.11.10 Solicitation (only if more than fifteen shareholders)
3.12 Resolution in Lieu of Meeting
3.13 Remote Participation
3.14 Change of Address
4.01 Duties
4.02 Powers
4.02.01 General
4.02.02 Delegating Powers
4.02.03 Procedure
4.02.04 Share Capital
4.02.05 Dividends
a) Declaring
b) Payment
4.02.06 Donations
4.03 Validity of Acts
4.04 Composition
4.04.01 Number
a) Minimum and Maximum
b) Actual Number
c) Amendment
d) Resident Canadians
e) Reporting Issuer
4.04.02 Eligibility
a) Shareholder
b) Qualifications
4.05 Election
4.05.01 Shareholder Meeting
4.05.02 Additional Directors (if provided in the Articles)
4.05.03 Consent
4.05.04 Term of Office
a) Maximum Term
b) Undetermined Duration
c) Incumbent Directors
d) Termination of Office
4.05.05 Resignation
4.05.06 Removal
a) From Office
b) Defence
4.05.07 Outgoing Director
4.06 Vacancy
4.06.01 Removal
4.06.02 No Director
4.06.03 Filling Vacancy
4.06.04 Absence of Quorum
4.06.05 Exception
4.06.06 Term of Office
4.06.07 Effect of Vacancy
4.07 Remuneration
4.07.01 Term of Director
4.07.02 Employment Salary
4.07.03 Special Services
4.08 Reimbursement
4.09 De facto Director
4.10 Board Meetings
4.10.01 Place
4.10.02 Annual Meetings
4.10.03 Calling of Meetings
a) Frequency
b) Procedure
c) Content of Notice
4.10.04 Urgent Meeting
4.10.05 Waiver
a) No Prior Notice
b) Attendance
4.10.06 Irregularities
a) Proof
b) Form or Content
c) Information Omitted
d) Failure to Send Notice
4.11 Chair of Meeting
4.11.01 Appointment
4.11.02 Procedure
4.11.03 Resolution
4.11.04 Removal
4.12 Secretary
4.13 Quorum
4.13.01 Minimum Threshold
4.13.02 Sole Director
4.13.03 Duration
4.14 Adjournment
4.14.01 Absence of Quorum
4.14.02 Resumption of Shareholder Meeting
4.14.03 Quorum Present
4.15 Voting
4.15.01 Procedure
a) Mechanism
b) Proxy
4.15.02 Remote Participation
4.15.03 Dissent
a) Director Present
b) Director Not Present
4.16 Resolution in lieu of Meeting
4.17 Remote Participation
4.18 Duties of Directors and Officers
4.18.01 Good Faith
4.18.02 Property of Corporation
4.18.03 Conflict of Interest
a) Definition
b) Related Person
c) Disclosure
d) Written Notice
e) Approval
f) Vote
g) Quorum
h) Shareholders
i) Competitors
4.18.04 Liability Towards Employees
a) Scope
b) Limits
4.18.05 Issuance of Shares
4.18.06 Additional Liability
4.18.07 Reliance on Expert Opinions
4.19 Board Committees
4.19.01 Creation
4.19.02 Powers
4.19.03 Report
4.19.04 Resignation
4.19.05 Removal
4.19.06 Vacancy
4.19.07 Meetings
a) Calling
b) Chair and Secretary of Committee
c) Written Resolutions
4.19.08 Quorum
4.19.09 Remuneration
4.20 Other Committees
5.01 General
5.02 Qualifications
5.03 Appointment
5.03.01 Annual Meeting
5.03.02 Special Meeting
5.04 Resignation
5.05 Removal
5.06 Concurrent Positions
5.07 Term of Office
5.08 Vacancy and Replacement
5.09 Remuneration
5.10 Powers
5.11 Obligations
5.12 De facto Officer
5.13 Chair
5.14 President
5.14.01 Responsibilities
5.14.02 Representation
5.14.03 Other Powers
5.15 Vice-President
5.16 Secretary
5.16.01 Seal and Books
5.16.02 Board and Shareholder Meetings
5.16.03 Minutes and Resolutions
5.17 Treasurer
5.17.01 Finances
5.17.02 Accounting
5.17.03 Assistance
5.18 Managing Director
5.19 Chief Executive Officer
5.20 Controller
5.21 Auditor
5.21.01 Prohibition
5.21.02 Appointment
5.21.03 Exemption
5.21.04 Vacancy
6.01 Procedure
6.02 Prepayment
6.03 Defence
6.04 Insurance
6.04.01 Civil Liability Insurance
6.04.02 Period of Coverage
6.04.03 Minimum Coverage
6.05 Rights Under the Act
7.01 Share Issuance
7.02 Commission
7.03 Joint Shareholders
7.03.01 Payments
7.03.02 Certificates
7.04 Share Certificates
7.04.01 Form
7.04.02 Signature
7.04.03 End of Term
7.04.04 Replacement of Certificates
7.05 Dividends
7.05.01 Declaration
7.05.02 Payment
7.05.03 Unclaimed Dividends
7.05.04 Compensation
7.06 Shareholder Rights
7.07 Deceased Shareholder
7.08 Transfers
7.09 Closing of Books
7.10 Transfer Agent and Registers
8.01 Negotiable Instruments
8.02 Banking Arrangements
8.03 Deposits
8.04 Deposit of Securities for Safekeeping
9.01 Governance
9.01.01 Board
9.01.02 Approval
9.02 Effective Date


  1. Documents

  2. Règlement intérieur (No. 1) Règlement intérieur (No. 1)

    OR0210Q -
    Quebec French Provincial Unannotated



  3. Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)

    OR0211aQ -
    Quebec English Provincial Unannotated



  4. Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws... Benchmarking Grid - General By-Laws (No.1)

    OR0211aF -
    Quebec English Federal Unannotated



  5. General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)

    OR0210aF -
    Quebec English Federal Unannotated



  6. General By-laws (No. 1) General By-laws (No. 1)

    OR0210aQ -
    Quebec English Provincial Unannotated



  7. Grille d'analyse -Règlement... Grille d'analyse -Règlement administratif (No. 1)

    OR0211F -
    Quebec French Federal Unannotated



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    OR0210F -
    Quebec French Federal Unannotated

